Life after flying

Annimarian Hello Phuket

Annimarian Hello Phuket

thailand calling


Life after Flying – Heippa! Nyt on kulunut puolisen vuotta siitä kun lopetin lentämisen, niin ajattelin nyt tehdä postauksen siitä, miltä on tuntunut taas olla enimmäkseen maan pinnalla. Tuossa kun valikoin muutaman lentoaiheisen kuvan tähän postaukseen, tuntui melkein siltä, kuin olisin ottanut kuvia jonkun toisen ihmisen albumista. Niin kaukaiselta tuo elämä jo tuntuu! Vaikka vielä puoli vuotta sitten lentelin, tuntuu kuin siitä olisi jo vuosia aikaa. Tässä se oikein korostuu, kuinka erilaista elämää tuo lentoemännän elämä on ns. normaalielämästä, melkein kuin toinen maailma. Itse lennellessä sitä ei niin paljon osannut ajatella, kuin nyt, kun ei enää lennä.

Moni on kysynyt, onko mulla ollut ikävä lentämistä. Vastaus on, että on ja ei. Postauksessa Miksi lopetin lentämisen kerroin, mitkä syyt sai mut lopettamaan lentämisen. Kaikesta tuosta oon edelleen ihan samaa mieltä ja oon ollut oikein tyytyväinen päätökseeni. Täytyy silti myöntää, että mua ei haittais ollenkaan, jos edelleen pääsisin kerran kuussa New Yorkiin ja talvikaudella moneen kertaan Dubaihin lämmitteleen. Tai Thaimaahan ottaan aurinkoa ja nauttimaan hieronnoista keskellä kaamosaikaa. Tai Ouluun tuon tuosta moikkaamaan kavereita ja sukulaisia. Toki noukkisin rusinat pullasta, jos voisin 😀 Oon kuitenkin enemmän kuin tyytyväinen tähän nykyiseen, “normaaliin” elämään.

On ihanaa, kun näin perjantaina voin sanoa, että mullakin alkaa nyt viikonloppu ja voin tehdä asioita, joita ihmiset normaalisti viikonloppuisin tekee. Ensimmäistä kertaa kolmeen vuoteen tiesin myös, että mulla on varmasti vapaata jouluna, eikä tarvi jännittää, joudunko töihin. On myös ihanaa, kun voin joka ilta mennä Awsin kanssa nukkumaan ja herätä aamulla samaan aikaan ja ylipäätään olla samalla aihavyöhykkeellä ja samassa maassa valtaosan ajasta 😀

Tällaista pohdintaa tällä kertaa. Ihanaa viikonloppua 🙂

Life after Flying – Hello! Now that it’s been around six months since I quit flying, I think it would be a good time to make a post about how does it feel to spend most of the time on the ground. When I was choosing a few pictures from my layovers for this post, it almost felt like I was choosing pictures from someone else’s album. That’s how distant that life already feels! Although it’s been only half a year since I quit, it feels like it was years ago. I think that highlights how different the life of a flight attendant is from a life of a so called normal person, it is like another world. When I was still flying, it didn’t feel it as much as now, when I’m not flying anymore.

Many people have asked me if I miss flying. The answer is yes and no. In the post Why did I quit flying I told what were the reasons that got me to quit flying. I still agree with all that and I am very pleased with my decision. I still have to admit though, that I wouldn’t mind if I still got to fly to New York once a month and to Dubai several times during winter season to warm myself in the sun. Or to Thailand to tan and enjoy the massages during the darkes winter of Finland. Or to Oulu once or twice a month so see my friends and family. If I could only choose the best parts, of course I would 😀 Anyway, I am more than happy with my current, “normal” life.

On a Friday like today, it is so nice to be able to say that I also have a weekend ahead of me and I can do things that people normally do on a weekend. First time in three years I also knew long time ago already that I will have my Christmas free and I don’t need to think if I have to work on Christmas or not. It is also so lovely to be able to go the bed with Aws every night and wake up together every morning and in general spend most of the time in the same time zone and same country 😀

That kind of thoughts this time. Have a great weekend! 🙂


Life update

annimarian a blonde girl taking a picture on an alley in Malaga Spain.

Life update – Heippa! Täällä vielä ollaan! Armottoman pitkä aika ehti kulua edellisestä postauksesta, pahoittelut siitä. Kesän jälkeen oltiin häämatkalla ja palasin taas kokoaikaisesti Helsinkiin, niin kaikenlaista puuhaa on tässä riittänyt. Nyt ajattelin kuitenkin palata taas postailemaan aina kun jotain kivaa postattavaa on. Ainakin häämatkasta aijon pian tehdä postauksen, sen verran kivoissa paikoissa käytiin, kun kierreltiin autolla pitkin Etelä-Espanjaa.

Oon jo pidempään myös suunnitellut kirjoittavani lentämisen jälkeisestä elämästä ja miten elämä on muuttunut, nyt kun tulee oltua enimmäkseen maan pinnalla. Sellainen postaus siis myös tulossa! Ihanaa torstain jatkoa ja palataan pian asiaan 🙂

Life update – Hello! I’m still here! It’s been such a long time since my last post, I’m so sorry for that. After the summer we went for our honeymoon trip and I also returned to Helsinki full time, so I’ve been quite busy with many things. Anyway, now I want to get back to posting regularly! I will make a post about our honeymoon trip, we visited so nice places driving around in southern Spain.

I have also planned for some time now to make a post about how my life has changed after quitting the flying and what is different now that I mostly stay on ground. So that is coming too! Have a great Thursday and see you soon again 🙂


Cosmetics shopping

Cosmetics shopping Weleda Mossa Nature Republic

Cosmetics shopping Nature Republic Snail solution skin booster

Cosmetics shopping Mossa Vitamin Oil Cocktail facial oil

Cosmetics shopping Weleda Calendula Face Cream

Cosmetics shopping – Heippa! Edellisessä postauksessa mainitsin shoppailleeni viikonloppuna vähän kosmetiikkaa ja tässä ne tulee! Tarvitsin uuden kasvovoiteen ja ostin taas tuota Weledan kehäkukkavoidetta, mitä oon käyttänyt jo hetken aikaa. Se on itseasiassa tarkoitettu vauvoille, mutta sopii myös aikuisille. Ainakin mun iholle juuri sopivan rasvainen, mutta imeytyy kuitenkin nopeasti. Ja maksaa alle puolet siitä, mitä Weledan monet kasvovoiteet, mikä on myös plussaa. Tuoksu on myös ihana!

Olin myös aikeissa ostaa jonkun seerumin, mutta kokeilin varmaan ensimmäisenä Sokokselle päästyäni tuota Mossan Vitamin Oil Cocktail-kasvoöljyä ja siihen mun seerumin etsintä sitten loppuikin. Öljy tuoksuu aivan ihanalta ja on koostumukseltaan sopivan kevyttä ja nopeasti imeytyvää. Myös pullo on jotenkin tosi kaunis eikä hinta ollut päätähuimaava, joten valitsin tuon. Sekä Mossa että Weleda ovat luomukosmetiikkaa.

Muistelin kotona Helsingissä, että mulla on vielä jemmassa jotain Nature Republicin tuotenäytteitä Korean reissuilta. Oikein muistin. Kokeilin tuota Snail Solution Skin boosteria ja tykkään! Sitä käytetään puhtaalle iholle kasvoveden jälkeen ennen kosteusvoidetta. Jos vielä lentelisin, ostaisin tuota joltain Korean ja Nykin reissulta. Ei kukaan haluais tuoda tuota mulle? 🙂

Siinäpäs mun shoppailut. Ootteko te löytäneet uusia kosmetiikkasuosikkeja?

Cosmetics shopping – Hello! On my last post I mentioned that I did some shopping last weekend and here they are! I needed a new face cream, so I bought this Weleda Calendula cream that I have been using for a while now. It is actually made for babies, but it is very suitable for adults too. At least to my skin it is a perfect match; thick enough but sinks in quick. And the price is less than half of the other Weleda face creams. I also like the smell!

I was thinking of buying some kind of serum too, but one of the first products I checked in Sokos was this Mossa Vitamin Oil Cocktail face oil and I stopped looking for any serum. This oil smells amazing and the consistency is perfect: not sticky and sinks in fast as well. I also think the bottle is very pretty and it wasn’t too expensive, so I chose this. Both Weleda and Mossa are organic cosmetics.

At home in Helsinki I was thinking that I still might have some Nature Republic samples left from my Korean trips. I remembered right! I tested this Snail Solution Skin booster and I really like it! It is used on clean skin after the toner and before moisturizer. If I was still flying, I would buy that from some Korea or New York layovers. Doesn’t anyone want to bring me some? 🙂

That was my shopping this time. Have you found any new favorite cosmetics recently?


It sucks

It sucks Annimarian A polaroid picture of a couple at a beach

It sucks – Heippa! Se on perseestä, kaukosuhde nimittäin. Ollaan oltu siis tämä kesä käytännössä kaukosuhteessa, koska mää oon töiden takia Oulun seudulla ja Aws on Helsingissä. Ollaan tavallisesti Awsin kans tosi paljon yhdessä, käydään kaupungilla, ruokaostoksilla, ollaan vaan kotona tai mitä nyt ikinä. Tehdään yleensä kaikki yhdessä, niin tämä kesä onkin sitten ollut aika erilainen… Toki puhutaan puhelimessa vähintään viisi kertaa päivässä, mutta eihän se korvaa yhdessäoloa.

Syyskuussa palaan taas kokoaikaisesti Helsinkiin, enkä malttais odottaa, että päästään taas elämään normaalia elämää Awsin kanssa! Huomenna illalla lennän Helsinkiin viikonlopuksi. Nyt on luvattu taas hellettä ja aurinkoa, ihanaa!

It sucks – Hello! Yeah, it sucks, I mean a long distance relationship. This summer me and Aws have been basically in a long distance relationship since I’m in Oulu for my work and Aws is in Helsinki. Normally we spend a lot of time together, we go to the center, do grocery shopping, spend time at home or whatever. We do everything together, so this summer has been really different… Of course we speak on the phone at least five times in a day, but that doesn’t compensate for not being together.

In September I will return to Helsinki full time and I can’t wait to get to live normally with Aws again! Tomorrow evening I’ll fly to Helsinki for the weekend. The forecast says it will be hot and sunny again, how amazing!


Why did I quit flying

Why did I quit flying

The Finnish version can be found here 🙂

Why did I quit flying – I thought I could make a post about a subject that so many people have been asking about. Why did I quit flying. In May I quit flying and returned on the ground and to a “normal” job. Quite many people seemed to be very surprised about this and I understand. A lot of my blog’s content had something to do with my traveling and I’m sure my blog gave an impression that I’m living my dream flying around the world. This was partly true, because there are so many good sides in that job. However, there are also the negative sides, which finally made me to decide to quit flying.

I thought I could briefly mention a few reasons that finally led me to this decision. First I could mention my education. I am an Economist, which was a hot topic for all the colleagues and it always led to the same questions. For sure, I’m not the only flight attendant with a university degree, there are actually quite many of us, but still the colleagues would always ask me the same questions: Why am i a flight attendant, am I planning on getting a job that fits my education, wouldn’t I make better money somewhere else, is the situation for Economists so bad that you have to work here etc. These questions I heard every single time I told about my background. At some point I realized that it will be much easier for me if I just don’t tell about my education at all.

When I decided to go for the flight attendant’s career, my idea was to have a little break after six years of university studies. I never planned flying to be my job for the rest of my life. It sure gave me nice change and experiences, but it also motivated me to return back behind a desk. Of course I want to work in my field, I made a big effort by graduating from the university.

One major reason for the quitting was the salary. A flight attendant won’t get rich by working, although nobody in Finland won’t, the taxation makes sure of that. In order to work as a flight attendant, one needs to live in Helsinki or the surrounding areas. Living in Helsinki is so expensive that normally around half of my income went to living costs. Some months, when the salary was lover, the sum was more than half of it. I’m not saying that flight attendants should necessarily have a higher salary, since the training to become a flight attendant lasts only eight weeks, but if there is a chance to make more money, I will take that chance.

One of the best – and the worst – sides of a flight attendant’s work is the schedules and the rhythm of life. Compared to a normal job, there is less work hours and the days off can be any days! It is so nice to go shopping or run errands on a Tuesday day, for example, when everyone else is at work. The days off in the middle of the week and a life without a rhythm brings some kind of a freedom. The down side of that is that you never know more than a month beforehand what your schedules will be. You can’t know if you can make it to your friend’s bachelorette party or wedding and you can’t really plan any weekend activities with people who have normal working rhythm. We had one free weekend in a month, if I remember correctly. Of course the Monday-Friday schedule can be tiring too, but then you surely appreciate the free weekend more. Also, from the relationship’s point of view, it is not cool to not have free time together on the weekends, because the days off can be any given days.

One thing that started bothering me was the health aspect of the flight attendant life. Many people don’t realize that working as a flight attendant can be even more tough for the body than some other shift job, because the work schedule is completely irregular. There are morning, day and night shifts all happily mixed! Of course there are specific resting times after each shift, but for example keeping up with some kind of a sleeping rhythm is impossible for longer than a couple of days. The time differences on long-haul flights are tough for the body and I’m not too keen about the radiation either that we are exposed to on long-haul flights.

On this post I wanted to explain honestly why I decided to quit flying. My point is not to discredit the job itself, but to explain my own feelings and opinions, because people have been asking. I will gladly answer, if someone still wants to ask something about this subject! My time as a flight attendant brought me super cool memories and experiences and after flying I have more appreciation on some everyday things that I didn’t think too much about before.


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