
Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Annimarian Weekend

Weekend – Heippa! Miten meni viikonloppu? MÀÀ olin HelsingissĂ€ viikonlopun. Vitsi miten ihanat sÀÀt meillĂ€ oli! Eilen illalla HelsingistĂ€ lĂ€htiessĂ€ lĂ€mmintĂ€ oli 25 astetta ja Oulussa odotteli sitten 11 astetta
 Aikamoinen ero!

Jos joku ei oo viimeaikoina lukenu mun juttuja, niin on voinut mennÀ ohi, ettÀ oon lopettanu lentÀmisen. Tai ainakin työkseni lentÀmisen, hehheh. Nyt sitten suhailen Oulu-Helsinki vÀliÀ, kun mulla on työ toistaiseksi tÀÀllÀ Oulun seudulla. Aika paljon tulee siis edelleen lenneltyÀ. Perjantai-iltana, kun tulin kotiin Helsinkiin, Aws oli tehnyt ihanan illallisen valmiiksi ja sama meno jatkui aamulla. MeillÀ on ollut jo jonkin aikaa tapana, ettÀ Aws tekee lauantai-aamuisin irakilaista aamiaista. Ihanaa!

Lauantaina lĂ€hdettiin vaan kaupungille pyörimÀÀn ilman erityisiĂ€ suunnitelmia. PÀÀdyttiin vĂ€hĂ€n vahingossa piipahtaan Puolustusvoimien tapahtumassa senaatintorilla. Sain yksityisesittelyn noista kaikista tykeistĂ€ ja tankeista, kun Aws kertoili mulle niitten toiminnasta. Toisaalta on siistiĂ€, ettĂ€ Aws tietÀÀ niin paljon noista kaikista, mutta toisaalta aika surullista, ettĂ€ se on joutunut omin silmin katseleen, kun tuollaiset vehkeet hĂ€nen kotimaatansa murjoo

Tuolta tapahtumasta kÀppÀiltiin kauppatorin kautta jÀtskille Esplanadin puistoon ja sen jÀlkeen yksille Jussin ja Satun kanssa. KÀytiin myöhÀisellÀ lounaalla syömÀssÀ sushia ja kyllÀpÀs oli pitkÀstÀ aikaa hyvÀÀ! Kampissa oli joku Poliisin tapahtuma, jossa kÀytiin myös kurkkimassa. SiellÀ sai testata tarkkuusammuntaa laser-aseella, jota tietenkin kÀytiin testaamassa. Ihanan paljon vipinÀÀ oli kaupungilla ja kesÀ on vasta alkamassa! MitÀ te teitte viikonloppuna? Juhlitteko valmistujaisia?

Weekend – Hello! How was your weekend? I was in Helsinki for the weekend. We had such a beautiful weather during the whole weekend! Yesterday evening when I left from Helsinki, it was 25 degrees and when I arrived to Oulu it was 11 degrees. Quite a difference!

If someone hasn’t read my posts recently, you might have missed that I have quit flying. Or at least quit flying for living, hehehh. Now I’m flying back and forth between Oulu and Helsinki, because at the moment my work is in the Oulu area. So that means I’m still flying quite a lot. On Friday night when I arrived home to Helsinki, Aws had a lovely dinner ready for us and the same continued the next morning. For some time already we have had this tradition that on Saturday mornings Aws makes Iraqian breakfast. Delicious!

On Saturday we went to the center with no specific plan just to walk around. We ended up visiting the Finnish Army’s event at Senate Square. I got a private tour when Aws explained to me everything about those tanks and guns. It is kind of cool that he knows so much about that stuff, but on the other hand it is quite sad that he knows that, because he has seen those machines destroying his own country

From that event we walked to Kauppatori and from there to Esplanadi park to have ice cream. After that we had beers with Jussi and Satu. We had sushi for late lunch, so good! In Kamppi there was an event organized by the police and we quickly checked it out too. We got to test precision shooting with a laser gun. It was so lively and busy in the center and the summer is just beginning! What did you do during the weekend? Did you have any graduation parties?


Mini celebration

annimarian mini celebration

Annimarian mini celebration

Annimarian mini celebration

Annimarian mini celebration

Mini Celebration – Heippa! Terveiset Las Palmasista 🙂 LennĂ€hdettiin tĂ€nne tĂ€nĂ€ aamuna ja huomenna aamulla lennetÀÀn takas Suomeen. TĂ€nĂ€ aamuna oli sellanen kiva 02:50 herĂ€tys… Onneksi huomenna herĂ€tys on vĂ€hĂ€n normaalimpaan aikaan!

Ennen kuin lĂ€hdin tĂ€lle reissulle, kĂ€ytiin Awsin kanssa ulkona syömĂ€ssĂ€, kirjaimellisesti. Oli niin ihanan aurinkoinen sÀÀ, ettĂ€ pÀÀtettiin syödĂ€ ravintolan terassilla ja auringossa oli suorastaan kuuma. KesĂ€ tulee! KĂ€ytiin ItĂ€keskuksessa yhdessĂ€ irakilaisessa ravintolassa. Vaikka en mikÀÀn Ă€lytön intoilija oo lihan suhteen, niin tĂ€ytyy sanoa, ettĂ€ tuo shis-kebab on ihan Ă€lyttömĂ€n hyvÀÀ. SillĂ€ ei oo oikeastaan mitÀÀn tekemistĂ€ sen suomalaisen “kebabin” kanssa, vaan tuo maistuu ihan oikealta lihalta. JĂ€lkkĂ€riksi sitten baklavaa, tietysti. Nam!

Oikeastaan samalla vĂ€hĂ€n juhlistettiin yhtĂ€ tosi kivaa juttua, joka varmistui tuossa muutama pĂ€ivĂ€ sitten. Kerron lisÀÀ, kun sen aika on. Nyt meen ehkĂ€ vielĂ€ hetkeksi parvekkeelle ilta-aurinkoon lukemaan kirjaa ja sitten ajoissa nukkumaan. Kivaa lauantai-iltaa! 🙂

Mini Celebration – Hello! Greetings from Las Palmas 🙂 We flew here this morning and tomorrow morning we will fly back to Finland. This morning my alarm was set at 02:50 am… Thank god tomorrow we have a more normal wake-up time!

Before I left to this trip, me and Aws went to eat out, literally. It was such a sunny and beautiful day that we decided to eat out in the terrace of the restaurant and it was almost hot in the sun. Summer is coming! We went to this Iraqi restaurant in ItĂ€keskus. Although I’m not so enthusiastic about meat normally, I have to say that that shis kebab is absolutely delicious! It has basically nothing to do with the Finnish “kebab”, but it actually tastes like meat. Dessert was baklava, obviously. Yum!

Actually we also went out to celebrate one super nice thing, that we just got confirmed a few days ago. I will tell you more, when that time comes. Now I think I’ll go to the balcony to enjoy the evening sun and read my book for a moment and then I’ll go to bed early. Have a great Saturday night! 🙂


Flight attendant vlog 16

annimarian flight attendant vlog 16

Flight attendant vlog 16 – Heippa! Eilen julkaisin pitkĂ€stĂ€ aikaa uuden videon. Se on mun aikaisemmalta Dubain reissulta, kun Aws oli mun mukana. Video löytyy tÀÀltĂ€. Toivottavasti tykkÀÀtte 🙂

Fligt attendant vlog 16 – Hello! Yesterday I published a new video after a little break. It was from my earlier Dubai trip when Aws travelled with me. You can find the video here. Hope you like it 🙂


Dubai part 2









annimarianHeippa! LisÀÀ Dubai-juttua! Sunnuntaina eli viimeisenÀ pÀivÀnÀ mentiin molemmat aamupalan jÀlkeen hetkeksi poolille. Aws ei oo kauhean innokas oleen auringossa, mutta tuli kuitenkin mun seuraksi. Lilluttiin hetkinen altaassa ja sen jÀlkeen lÀhdettiin valmistautumaan pÀivÀn muihin aktiviteetteihin. PÀÀtettiin mennÀ kattoon miltÀ Emirates Mall nÀyttÀÀ, kun minÀkÀÀn en oo koskaan kÀyny siellÀ. Mentiin metrolla, mikÀ oli hyvÀ juttu, koska nyt tiedÀn millanen se on ja tiedÀn, ettÀ voin seuraavalla kerralla mennÀ sillÀ ihan yksinkin.

Hello! Some more Dubai stuff now! On Sunday, on our last day, after the breakfast we both went to the pool area for a moment. Aws is not so keen to be in the sun, but he came there to keep me company. We swam (or floated around ) for a moment and then we went back to the room to get ready for other activities of the day. We decided to go check out the Emirates Mall, because I hadn’t seen it either. We went with the metro, which was a good thing, because now I know how it is and I can go alone the next time.

Kun mentiin metrolle, juna sattui just tulemaan asemalle ja juostiin kyytiin. HypĂ€ttiin vaan ekaan vaunuun, kunnes huomattiin, ettĂ€ se olikin joku Gold Class-vaunu ja siellĂ€ oli sellanen pukumies palvelemassa niitĂ€ gold-asiakkaita. HĂ€n sitten ystĂ€vĂ€llisesti kertoi, ettĂ€ voitte poistua toiseen vaunuun. Seuraavassa vaunussa sitten joku nainen alkoi puhuun mulle ja ensin en ymmĂ€rtĂ€nyt, mistĂ€ se oikein puhui. Hetken pÀÀstĂ€ Ă€lysin, ettĂ€ se yritti sanoa ettei Aws saa olla siinĂ€ vaunussa, koska se on vaan naisille ja lapsille. Taas vaihdettiin vaunua ja sitten saatiin olla loppumatka rauhassa 😀

When we went to the metro, the train just arrived to the station and we ran in to catch it. We just jumped to the first car until we noticed it was some kind of Gold Class-car and there was even this man in a suit to serve the passengers. We were told to move away so we went to the next car. There a woman started to speak to me and I didn’t understand what she was saying. After a moment I realized she was saying that Aws shouldn’t be there because that car is only for women and children. Again we moved and the rest of the way we were fine 😀

Emirates Mallilla on mm. tuo ekassa kuvassa nĂ€kyvĂ€ “lumimaailma”, jossa on pieni laskettelurinne ja muuta lumijuttua. Kaikesta ne ihmiset maksaa! Tuolta lĂ€hdettiin sitten taas metrolla Deiran alueelle, missĂ€ on yks irakilainen ravintola mihin haluttiin mennĂ€. Oli ihan jĂ€nnĂ€ nĂ€hĂ€ tuotakin seutua, koska se on ihan erilaista kuin vaikkapa Marinan tai Business Bayn alue. SiellĂ€ ei oo mitÀÀn pilvenpiirtĂ€jiĂ€ vaan ihan tavallisia taloja ja ei nĂ€hty varmaan yhtÀÀn turistia. Ihmiset nĂ€ytti olevan enimmĂ€kseen “paikallisia” työlĂ€isiĂ€, eli siirtolaisia muista maista ja jonkun verran oli myös ihan oikeita paikallisia. Sangen erilainen tunnelma oli siis tuossa osassa kaupunkia.

In the Emirates Mall we saw this “snow world” that has a small hill for downhill skiing and other snow stuff. I can’t believe people pay to get there! From the mall we left again with the metro to go to Deira neighbourhood to visit this one Iraqian restaurant. It was interesting to see that area too, because it was very different compared to Marina or Business Bay, for example. No tall skycrapers there, just normal buildings and we didn’t see any other tourists there. The people there seemed to be mostly “locals”, meaning the immigrant workers from other countries as well as some real locals. Very different atmosphere in that neighbourhood.

Oltiin kĂ€velemĂ€ssĂ€ metropysĂ€kiltĂ€ sitĂ€ ravintolaa kohti, kun Aws yhtĂ€kkiĂ€ sanoi, ettĂ€ “O-ou, tuossa on moskeija ja meidĂ€n pitÀÀ mennĂ€ siitĂ€ ohi. VĂ€hĂ€n vaarallista.” Ihmettelin, ettĂ€ mitĂ€ vaarallista siinĂ€ on, niin Aws selitti, ettĂ€ pelkkĂ€ mun lĂ€snĂ€olo moskeijan vieressĂ€ voi olla liikaa jollekin kiihkoilijalle. Sanomattakin lienee selvÀÀ, ettĂ€ mulla oli kuitenkin polvien yli ulottuva mekko, jossa oli myös lyhyet hihat. Siirryttiin kadun toiselle puolelle ja hipsittiin ohi.

We were walking towards the restaurant when Aws suddenly said “Oh no, there is a mosque right there and we have to go past it. A little dangerous.” I was surprised and asked why, so he told me that even my presence near the mosque might be too much for some fanatic. I think it’s needless to say that I was wearing a knee-covering dress with short sleeves. We moved to the other side of the street and walked past it quickly.

Ravintola oli siis irakilainen ja Aws oli kÀynyt saman ketjun ravintolassa Bagdadissa. Ruoka oli super hyvÀÀ! Irakilaiseen tyyliin kuuluu, ettÀ pöytÀÀn kannetaan myös ekstrajuttuja, mitÀ ei oo tilattu, vaan ne kuuluu hintaan. Kaikki oli tuoretta, laadukasta ja niiiiiin hyvÀÀ! Ravintolan sisustus oli myös tosi nÀtti, mutta nÀköjÀÀn otin kuvia vaan kattolampuista. Illallisen jÀlkeen kÀveltiin ravintolan vieressÀ olleen ostoskeskuksen lÀpi toiselle metropysÀkille. Ostarin ovilla oli isot merkinnÀt, ettÀ siellÀ pitÀÀ olla siveÀsti pukeutunut ja kaikki mahdolliset tunteiden osoitukset (kuvan perusteella myös kÀdestÀ pitÀminen) on kielletty. Ehdotin Awsille, ettÀ kierrettÀis vÀhÀn kattelemassa, mutta sen mielestÀ se ei ollu hyvÀ idea. Paikka oli tÀynnÀ paikallisia, jotka ei ilmeisesti ollu tyytyvÀisiÀ mun/meidÀn lÀsnÀoloon, joten oli parempi ettei jÀÀty pyörimÀÀn.

The restaurant was Iraqian and Aws had visited the same chain’s restaurant in Baghdad. The food was super good! It’s the iraqian way to bring stuff to the table that we didn’t order and it is included in the price. Everything was fresh, good quality and soooo delicious! The interior of the restaurant was also very beautiful, but apparently I only took photos of the lamps. After the dinner we walked through a mall next to the restaurant to go tho this other metro stop. On the doors of the mall there were big signs that modest clothing is required and no signs of affection may be shown (including holding hands). I suggested that we walk around a little to look around, but Aws said it was not a good idea. The place was full of locals that apparently were not happy to see me/us there, so we decided to just walk straight through the place.

Vaikka Dubai onkin kiva kohde työmatkalle, niin on se silti aika kummallinen paikka. Kaikki on niin kiiltÀvÀÀ, hienoa ja modernia, mutta kun astuu askeleen turistialueiden ulkopuolelle, niin meno onkin ihan toista. Suuri osa varsinaisista paikallisista edustaa vielÀkin todella vanhoillista ja jÀykkÀÀ kulttuuria, vaikka sitÀ ei turistit vÀlttÀmÀttÀ huomaakaan. Yks nÀkyvÀ esimerkki tÀstÀ on ne paikallisten valkoiset ja mustat kaavut mihin ne pukeutuu. Nykyaikaisemmissa ja vapaamielisemmissÀ arabimaissa, kuten vaikkapa Irakissa, noita kaapuja harva kÀyttÀÀ. Dubai kaupunkina on niin uusi juttu, ettÀ paikalliset ei oo ihan samalla tasolla kuin mitÀ ulkokuori antaa ymmÀrtÀÀ.

Even though Dubai is a cool destination for a layover, it still is quite weird place after all. Everything is shiny, fancy and modern, but once you step outside the touristic places, it’s all different. Most of the locals still represent the conservative and rigid culture, although the tourists might not notice it. One visible sign of that is the white and black gowns the locals wear. In the more modern and open Arabic countries, like Iraq, almost no one wears those. As a city Dubai is still so young that the locals are not on the same level as the appearance of the city let’s one assume.

Kulttuurieroista löytyis juttua vaikka kuin, mutta lopetan tĂ€mĂ€n nyt tĂ€hĂ€n! Tulihan tuossa jo tekstiĂ€ 😀 Huomenna lĂ€hden vaihteeksi sitten Oulun yöpyvĂ€lle. Kivaa illan jatkoa! 🙂

I could write so much more of the cultural differences, but I think I will sop this here! I wrote quite a lot already 😀 Tomorrow I’ll fly to Oulu for an over-night trip. Have a nice evening! 🙂





Dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1

annimarian dubai part 1Dubai part 1 – Heippa! Nyt sitten Dubai-asiaa! Kuten jo aikaisemmin mainitsin, Aws oli ekaa kertaa mun mukana reissussa. Id-lipuilla matkustaminen on kyllĂ€ niin hermoja raastavaa, ettĂ€ sitĂ€ ei voi suositella kenellekÀÀn 😀 Aamulla olin sitten paskoa housuuni jĂ€nnityksestĂ€, kirjaimellisesti. JĂ€nnitti niin hulluna pÀÀseekö Aws mukaan. No pÀÀsihĂ€n se sitten! Onneksi! Oltiin kyllĂ€ molemmat aika tĂ€pinöissĂ€mme koko reissun ajan 🙂

LisÀjÀnnitystÀ aiheutti viisumi-asiat, koska Awsin piti hakea viisumia ja meille kerrottiin, ettÀ suurin osa irakilaisten viisumihakemuksista hylÀtÀÀn. Viisumi piti tietysti maksaa, vaikka ei ollut mitÀÀn varmuutta siitÀ, meneekö hakemus lÀpi tai mahtuuko lennolle. TÀllÀ kertaa riski kannatti!

Ekana iltana kÀytiin Marinassa illallisella ja kattelemassa. Tultiin ihan hyvissÀ ajoin hotellille, koska ainakin minÀ olin nukkunu niin huonosti edellisen yön jÀnnityksissÀni. Ollaan edelleen samassa hotellissa kuin viime kaudellakin. Onneksi, koska hotelli on ihana! Joka reissulla otan kuvia tuosta aulan orkidea-asetelmasta, vaikka se ei kuvissa nÀytÀkÀÀn kovin erikoiselta. Se on kuitenkin livenÀ aikamoinen! Toisena pÀivÀnÀ minÀ kÀvin aamupalan jÀlkeen puolisen tuntia ottamassa aurinkoa hotellin poolilla ja sen jÀlkeen lÀhdettiin Dubai Mallille. Melkeen ekana mentiin sinne mun lempparikauppaan eli Kinokuniyan kirjakauppaan. Molemmat löydettiin ostettavaa! Suurimmassa osassa kirjakaupoista, ainakin noilla turistialueilla, ei oo arabiankielisiÀ kirjoja ollenkaan, mikÀ on aika hassua kun kuitenkin kyseessÀ on arabimaa. Tuolla Kinokuniyassa kuitenkin on.

Illemmalla kĂ€ytiin sitten nauttimassa kahvia ja baklavaa ja katsottiin suihkulĂ€hdeshow Burj Khalifan juurella. Sen jĂ€lkeen suunnattiinkin takas hotellille. Tuommoinen koko pĂ€ivĂ€n kestĂ€vĂ€ ympĂ€riinsĂ€ lompsiminen on aika rankkaa loppujen lopuksi 😀 Huomenna kirjottelen lisÀÀ viimeisestĂ€ Dubai-pĂ€ivĂ€stĂ€! HyvÀÀ yötĂ€! 🙂

Dubai part 1 – Hello! Now some Dubai stuff! Like I mentioned before, Aws traveled with me for the first time. Traveling with the id-tickets is so nerve-racking, that I don’t recommend it to anyone 😀 In the morning I almost shit my pants, literally, because I was so nervous. Well, he got in! We were both so happy during the whole trip 🙂

All the visa stuff added the uncertainty of the whole trip. Aws needed a visa to enter Dubai and we were told that most of the Iraqian visa applications get rejected. The visa has to be paid of course, even though we didn’t know it will be accepted or if he will get on the flight. This time the risk was worth it!

On the first night we went to Marina to have dinner and to look around. We came back to the hotel in a good time, because at least I slept so bad the last night because I was so nervous. We are staying in the same hotel this season again, which is very nice because the hotel is amazing! On each trip I take pictures of that beautiful orchid arrangement, even though it doesn’t look so special in the pictures. In real life it is quite amazing! On the second day after the breakfast I went to the pool area to sunbathe for half an hour and after that we went to Dubai Mall. We went to my favorite shop, Kinokuniya book store, almost right away. We both found something to buy! Most of the book stores, at least in the touristic areas, don’t have Arabic books at all, which is quite funny since that is an Arabic country after all. Kinokuniya has them.

Later that night we enjoyed some coffee and baqlawa and watched the fountain show by Burj Khalifa. After that we headed back to the hotel. That strolling around for the whole day can be quite tough after all 😀 Tomorrow I’ll write more about the last Dubai day. Good night! 🙂



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